I came across a great feature titled "Don't feed this to Fido" when browsing through Real Simple the other day and thought I'd share the info. I know we all try (try, being the key word) not to give our pups "people food", but I'll admit, sometimes it's hard. If you're tempted to share your food with your furry friends, as least be sure to stay away from the following items:
(1) Chocolate: Why? Chocolate stimulates the nervous system & the heart. It can be poisonous to all species, but for some reason dogs are more likely to eat dangerous quantities than other animals. Possible effects: vomiting, increased thirst, restlessness, agitation, increased or irregular heartbeat, increased body temperature, tremors and seizures.
(2) Grapes & raisins: Why? These foods can cause damage to the kidneys and can be poisonous to dogs & cats. Possible effects: increased thirst, increased urination, lethargy and vomiting.
(3) Garlic & onions: Why? These foods can damage red blood cells and cause anemia. They can be poisonous to dogs & cats. Possible effects: vomiting, red-colored urine, weakness & anemia.
(4) Xylitol (which is found in sugarless gum): Why? It causes increased insulin secretion, resulting in lower blood sugar levels and can be poisonous to dogs. Possible effects: vomiting, lethargy, lack of coordination, seizures, jaundice and diarrhea.
(5) Alcoholic drinks: Why? They depress the nervous system and can be poisonous to all species. Possible effects: vomiting, disorientation, diarrhea, lethargy, lack of coordination, difficulty breathing, tremors, coma and seizures.
(6) Raw yeast and bread dough: Why? These items form gas in the digestive track and fermentation of yeast causes alcohol poisoning, which can be poisonous to all species, but typically only dogs ingest it. Possible effects: distention of abdomen, vomiting, disorientation, diarrhea, lethargy, lack of coordination, difficulty breathing, tremors, coma and seizures.
(7) Macadamia nuts: Why? These nuts can cause muscle and nervous system problems in dogs. Possible effects: vomiting, lethargy, weakness, increased body temperature and tremors.
(8) Avocados: Why? Avocados contain persin, which damages the heart muscle and can be poisonous to all species, but especially birds. Possible effects: vomiting, diarrhea (in dogs), lethargy and difficulty breathing (in birds and rodents).
If your pet eats any of these foods and you're concerned, please contact your vet or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435. It's always better to be safe than sorry!