This post won't be directly dog related, however many of my readers are bloggers themselves, so I thought I'd pass along a great guide for adding a 3rd column to a traditional Blogger template. This how-to guide made the conversion pretty simple, which is great because I am certainly no HTML expert ( can hope, right?). I would definitely recommend backing up your current template first in case the conversion doesn't work on the first try & you need to get back to where you started - or creating a test blog to try it out before messing with your current blog. If you have any questions about what I did, let me know!

Now on to more fun good friend over at Happiness Is... received the One Lovely Blog Award and passed it on to me! Thank you!! If you haven't read her blog yet, I'd highly recommend checking it out. Now for my's how the award works:
The Rules:
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you have newly discovered.
So here are my picks in random order (P.S. I read a lot of blogs, but 15 is a lot so I might repeat a few that I've passed awards to in the past. You'll also notice that the blogs I read tend to be on random subjects. Some related to dogs, some that are informative, some are just plain funny. If you have a blog that I don't mention that you think I'd like to read, please leave a link in the comments section of this post, and I'll check it out!):
12. Happiness Is...
13. Aroo Studio
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