Monday, August 3, 2009

New Toys

Just to prove how much Brady & Cooper love their new toys from Petstages that my mom brought them a few weeks ago, I thought I'd post a few pictures of the boys & their toys. Enjoy!

I swear that they like them even if they don't look so happy in the photos - I think they were nervous that we were going to kick them off of Brinkley's bed :)


  1. So Cute! I just got B-dog the petstages frisbee since his puppy kong frisbee finally bit the dust! I'll let you know what I think!

  2. They're just adorable. I thought of you and Brady and Cooper the other day when I saw a lady and her daughter in our neighborhood, walking two 9 month old chocolate labs. Their names are Lola and Daisy. They're just the cutest things. I can see why you got 2! They were into everything in their paths! lol

  3. Thanks Brown Eyed Girl! We considered getting that frisbee too...I'd love to hear what you think of it!

  4. Madison House Designs - your neighbor must be a smart lady - having two definitely makes it easier (as you know too!)

    Thanks for reading, Aroo Studio!


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