Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Dogs Ate My Computer

Well...not really, but it sure seems like it, doesn't it?  I apologize for my lack of posting over the past few weeks.  For some reason I have been unable to blog during my usual time, and I have to admit, I sit in front a computer so much during the day that I haven't really wanted to come home and sit in front of my home computer.  That and the fact that I think I lost my camera. And the fact that my two brown dogs that I bragged about it my last post apparently decided to prove me wrong by eating several electronic devices while left alone. Whew.  It's been a rough few weeks.  

Mom, you think I did that?!  Yes, Brady - I do.

I'll try to get my act together over the weekend, and hopefully I'll resume regular posting next week.  Have a great weekend! 

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Down, Set, Hike!

Does Cooper look like he's ready for a mean game of football or what?!

Monday, August 3, 2009

New Toys

Just to prove how much Brady & Cooper love their new toys from Petstages that my mom brought them a few weeks ago, I thought I'd post a few pictures of the boys & their toys. Enjoy!

I swear that they like them even if they don't look so happy in the photos - I think they were nervous that we were going to kick them off of Brinkley's bed :)
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