Friday, July 31, 2009
Favorite Photo Friday
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Bragging Rights

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Bring Fido

What about you all? Have you used this site before? Are there other pet-friendly travel sites out there that I may have missed?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
A Yes and a No
When my parents came to visit this past weekend, my mom brought a new toy for the three boys to try out - the Hearty Chew (show below). This interesting contraption proved to be a favorite for both chewing and a rowdy three-way game of tug-of-war. The ball in the middle is soft, yet durable as are the ropes that extend out of each side. The three boys played with this toy for hours, and I have a feeling that it will quickly become a favorite of the boys.

Overall conclusion? Definitely buy the Hearty Chew but I wouldn't waste your money on the Good Tug if you have chewers in your house.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Favorite Photo Friday
I saw this idea on a friend's blog and loved it. I'm going to try to share one of my favorite photos every Friday. Try being the key word. I may miss a few Fridays here and there, but I'll do my best. Enjoy!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Brinkley is Coming to Visit!

Monday, July 20, 2009
Ten Things

Like any blog award, there are a few rules to follow...
1. I need to copy the logo and place it on my blog
2. Link it back to the person who gave it to me
3. Pass it on to five fellow bloggers
4. List 10 things about myself
So I decided to list 10 things I love. Here they are (in no particular order)...
1. The Outer Banks of North Carolina.

If you happen to read my new blog that I started a few weeks ago, you probably saw the recipe I posted for Peanut Butter Ice Cream. I'm not exactly sure when my love for peanut butter ice cream began, but I do know that the reason for it is Friendly's restaurant. I'm not sure if they sell them anymore, but Friendly's use to have a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Sunday-to-Go that featured pure peanut butter ice cream, peanut butter sauce, chocolate sauce and peanut butter cups - heaven. Since I fell in love with this incredible invention, I have always been on the lookout for a proper substitution for the peanut butter ice cream. Few places offer peanut butter flavored ice cream - most just put pieces of Reese's peanut butter cups in vanilla ice cream and say it's the same thing - it's not. Now that I have my own ice cream maker and a fabulous recipe for homemade peanut butter ice cream, I can have peanut butter ice cream whenever I want. This could be a problem.

I love this magazine. Everything about it. I love the coast (see #1 above and my other blog, Seagrass and Sunsets). Reading Coastal Living transports me to some of my favorite places and is an awesome collection of recipes, articles, features, homes and more for anyone who loves the coast. If I could work for this magazine, I would. In a heart beat. Unfortunately the offices are located in Birmingham, Alabama. If any of you happen to know the powers that be at Coastal Living and think you could convince them to employ a creative, beach lover from a virtual office in small-town Georgia, please let me know...
It may seem kind of random for me to include a car wash on a list of ten things that I love. Don't get me wrong, I do love it when my car is clean, but that's not why I've added the Bulldog Car Wash to this list. I have a much better reason. I met my husband at this particular car wash on a warm September afternoon a few years ago, and my life has not been the same since. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that I would meet the love of my life at such a random spot, but somehow I did, and the Bulldog Car Wash will always have a special place in my heart.
Oh Charlottesville. Cville. How I miss you. The beautiful, green horse farms. The gorgeous mountains. The great restaurants and fun watering holes. The lazy days spent at Beaver Creek and driving aimlessly in the Blue Ridge Mountains. The football games. Walking to class on the Lawn. The University of Virginia truly is a magical place. I know that most people love their alma matters, but I don't know if anyone loves their school as much as we Wahoos love our University. I am forever grateful for the friendships I made, the education I received and the wonderful memories that will always stay with me. I only wish we could go back more often.
My favorite spot in my hometown. To imagine that this beautiful property used to be a private residence blows me away. The gardens, the views, the history. It's truly breathtaking, and Richmonders are very lucky that Maymont has been preserved for the public to enjoy for many years to come. To read more about Maymont and it's history, click here.
I love to read. I always have. I was the kid who would go into the library during the summer break and come out with a stack of 20 books at a time. Unfortunately, during graduate school I stopped reading for pleasure. I think it was the thick stack of books that I was required to read for class. Who knows. It makes me a little sad that I can't discuss any of the newest books on the best seller list or that I have started to take People and US Weekly on my vacations instead of a good novel. If anyone has a recommendation for a must read to get me started again, please let me know!
Where do I start? I am blessed with the greatest family in the world. I have parents who have always been extremely supportive and encouraging. They love my sister and me unconditionally and are always there to talk or laugh or cry with us. They have a great relationship with each other (they just celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary this year!), and they are role models for the kind of relationship I've always wanted to have. My little sister is one of the funniest and most adventurous people I know. I often wish I could be more like her. As a big sister, I am often way too hard on her, but somehow she loves me anyway. My mother-in-law is one of the strongest and compassionate women I know. She and my brother-in-law welcomed me into their family from the moment we first met, and I am extremely lucky to have become part of such an amazing family. Last but certainly not least, my husband. He is the love of my life and my best friend. It can't get any better than that.
And the five blogs that I am tagging...
Buckhead Betties (hilarious)
Vintage Victuals (classic go-to recipes)
Pecan Pie Puppies (love these collars)
Matters of Style (great source for ideas)
The Consummate Hostess (great entertaining ideas)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Cooper, go get your football!

Monday, July 13, 2009
And we're spent...
Friday, July 10, 2009
Calling all Pawsengers

{Click here to visit Pet Airways}
The story behind Pet Airways is really cute, and I highly suggest clicking here to read the story on the airline's website. While you're there, make sure to check out all of the great features that Pet Airways has to offer. If you choose to have your pet fly on Pet Airways, upon your arrival at the airport, your pet (also referred to as a "pawsenger") is first checked in at the Pet Lounge. During the flight, pets travel in the passenger cabin of the aircraft and are checked on every 15 minutes by a Pet Attendant. Nervous parents can even track their pet's flight on the Pet Airlines website!
Starting this month, Pet Airways will be flying in 5 major cities with fares as low as $149 each way according to the Pet Airway's website. How cool is that?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Presents for Your Pup

If you're anything like me, online shopping has become part of your daily routine. Living in a small town far away from family and friends (and the conveniences of a nice mall), I love it when I can research shopping options online and order items with the click of a button. I do online shopping on a regular basis for myself, the boys and my husband, and I've even begun to shop for gifts online and have them sent directly to the recipient.
You can imagine my delight when I came across Bisket Baskets - a company started and run by two sisters who share a love for animals. They started their company in 1999 by designing gift baskets for pets, and they have since expanded their offerings to include many other gift themes, (think coffee, tea, wine, cookies, fruit, etc). You name it, they probably have it. I've had a blast looking through all of the different baskets that they offer on their website. I haven't had the pleasure of purchasing (or even better, receiving) one of their baskets yet, but you can bet I'm putting Bisket Baskets on my list of online retailers to consult the next time a holiday rolls around...

(Any Georgia fans out there?!)
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Rub a Dub Dub...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
How do you choose?

Before anyone makes the decision to bring a dog (or any pet for that matter) into their household, I think it is important for every family member in a household to take a look at their future plans and ask several questions - Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years? Will you be moving around or are you in a more permanent position? If you have to move or your lifestyle changes, are you committed to taking your pet with you?
So after all of that discussion on my part, I have to ask, how did you choose?
Monday, July 6, 2009
Show Your Support
If you're interested in purchasing this plate, please click here to learn more (scroll down to the Dog & Cat Sterilization links). And if you live outside of Georgia, ask your Department of Motor Vehicles or Driver's Services to see if they offer a similar program.
{a look of pure joy on Cooper's face}
{Brady retrieving a stick}
Hope you all had a great 4th of July weekend. Any fun stories to share? I'd love to hear them!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Happy 4th of July (a little bit early)!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Off to Summer Camp!

Ok, I'll admit it, our boys are spoiled. Spoiled rotten. My husband and I are going away this weekend, and instead of boarding the boys at the local kennel, what do we do? We send them to summer camp. Before you start laughing, let me explain. One of our good friends is the director of the Athens Y Camp - a summer camp in Northeast Georgia. He and his family watched the boys last year when we were on our honeymoon, and camp is where they first learned to swim. The boys LOVE going to camp. When we told them they were going this weekend, they got really excited. Alright, maybe that's an exaggeration - I'm not sure if they really understood what we were saying, but I like to think so. Anyway, we plan to drop them off at camp on Friday, and they'll spend the rest of the weekend playing with the campers, chasing wildlife and swimming all day long. I think it's safe to say they'll be happy {and exhausted} dogs when we pick them up on Sunday.