Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dirt Devils and Dust Bunnies...

Ok, so this post is not so much about dust bunnies (although we have more than our fair share of those in our house) as it is about cutting down on the amount of dirt that our boys drag into the house on a daily basis. Because we live in Georgia, we have lovely red clay instead of regular brown dirt, and an amazing amount of it somehow ends up all over our floors. In fact, sometimes I look out the door after the boys have been playing outside and see this...

There's no way that I can vacuum enough, so I'm looking for some kind of wonder product to help me out. I've been looking at these Water Trapper door mats from Orvis for some time now, but still can't decide whether it's worth it to shell out the money for the size we'd need to make it worth the purchase. Any thoughts on these mats? If you have one, please feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think of it. I appreciate it!


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