Monday, May 18, 2009


I don't know about you, but for me Memorial Day always seems to signal the beginning of summer. Where I grew up in Virginia, the pools always opened for the season over Memorial Day weekend, and it was the last holiday before school let out for the summer. As a kid, Memorial Day meant that long summer days filled with swim practice, sharks and minnows, trips to the beach and flashlight tag were right around the corner.

Summer is my absolute favorite season of the year, and I always look forward to the hot summer days and time at the pool, lake and beach (anywhere near the water, really). I have always been a water baby - I think I took my first swim lesson at the ripe old age of 9 months - and I would much rather be in the water than on dry land. Luckily, I think Brady & Cooper share my same love for the water. The minute we get anywhere near a lake or pond, the boys jump right in. My husband and I have so much fun throwing the buoy to them and watching them chase each other through the water. Unfortunately, we haven't made a beach trip since we got the boys (I know, I can't believe it either - I'm think I'm going through withdrawal), so the boys have not yet had the pleasure of running through the surf and learning to jump waves. I'm hoping that we'll be able to fit in a trip this summer.

So, in preparation for Memorial Day weekend and the upcoming days of summer, I thought I'd spend the next post or two passing along important dog travel and safety tips to keep in mind and highlighting a few great dog products for the summer. Please stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I love that wave picture! You make me want to run to California 9I'm in Arizona)! I think vacation posts would be great!


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